May 2024 BLOG

Happy Mother's Day

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Strength and Honor are her clothing. She shall rejoice in time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness. She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her. (Proverbs 31:25-28)

When I think of Motherhood, some adjectives I would use to describe the role would be- fulfilling, self sacrificing, powerful, messy, fun, worrisome, imperfect, unsure, impostrous, chaotic, overstimulating, generous, and beautiful. It’s been 9 years since my own journey of being a mother began, and what a ride it has been. It is so amazing, surreal, and mind-blowing to think of how quickly a woman goes from being a sole identity, to being responsible for a whole other life. In a moment, everything changes and all of a sudden you’re found holding this gift from God (Psalm 127:3- Children are a gift from the Lord) . I can remember it like it was yesterday, yet some days I still find myself in the space where I have no clue what in the world I’m even doing. I go from “I got this,” to “help me!” more times that I can count. Lately, I have been really trying to posture my intentions to actually being present in the little things that can combat my questioning and reassure me that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be

I love working with, and coming alongside fellow moms. The reality is that they have no idea how much their story sounds a lot like mine. I am so grateful for every mother that I encounter in my work, because I know that the work we will do is going to be great! We often times feel so alone, but the reality is, we aren’t. In a world where we compare ourselves to others and strive for perfection, it’s reassuring to be seen and fully known. The work we are doing, the seeds we are planting, will one day take root and we will see the fruits of our labor, within our children. Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train children in the way they should gowhen they grow old, they won’t depart from it”. I admire the women who aren’t afraid to admit to their fears, rejoice in their triumphs, and who feel safe enough to cry in my office. Their ability to pick themselves back up and press onward, because there’s a job to do, takes such strength, resiliency, and beauty….those are my people.

One of the greatest aspects within this motherhood journey, is knowing there is someone so much greater than me who has my back; who listens when I speak, who is gentle and forgiving, and who comforts me when things go array. He’s the same person who knit my children in my womb, the one who breathed life into their lungs. He is the one who has planned such an astounding purpose for them- one that I can’t even dream of. To be assured that I can let go of worries, give everything up, and relinquish control, is a blessing in itself. Isiah 66:13 reads- “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you”.

On this Mother’s Day, I pray each of you feel the love you deserve. Find the time to rest from all your hard work. I would encourage you to reflect upon the successes you’ve accomplished thus far! If you are reading this and know of any mother who may benefit from therapy, please let them know about Renew Counseling- we would love to help them!
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