Maria Mercado
Licensed Clinical Social Worker

I truly believe that health encompasses physical, spiritual, and emotional well being and that all of these are connected. I practice with a focus on caring for the individual as a whole because when one of these is out of balance the other parts are affected as well.

  I practice with an emphasis on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy where we explore how beliefs and thoughts affect emotions and behaviors. I am also certified in Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) which has been clinically proven to effectively treat trauma.

  Clients will also acquire a "Tool Kit" of strategies to help them deal with their present disturbing symptoms. Clients will learn about how to improve all aspects of their health so that they can look, feel, and perform their absolute best in life.

  My ideal client is over the age of 12 years old, and has an open mind and willing to try new things.

  In addition to working in the mental health field since 1994, I am a certified group fitness instructor and have been teaching classes since 1992. I truly believe that exercise and nutrition play a vital role in mood and can improve mental health.